Season Advertising


Advertise with us

For our 2024-2025 Season, all shows will have digital programs except the cabaret show, Postcards. We will work with all advertisers to craft an advertising package that works for you.

For concert programs, we offer half and full-page ads. We also offer logo placement (with website link) on the GMCW website on our Corporate Partners page. Full-season, full-page advertisers will get logo placement in one email blast per month. All ads are full-season ads, but only full-page advertisers get placement in email blasts.

Opportunities are also available as a GenOUT Partner (for our GenOUT Youth Chorus), Season Partner (as a concert presenter), and Presenting Partner (full-season presenting partner.)

The Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC annually draws over 10,000 patrons to our concerts and many more in our online community. Advertising in our concert programs or email blasts is an effective way to reach these high-income patrons for a very low cost.

  • 63% of our audience earns over $100,000 per year
  • 78% LGBTQ+, 22% Heterosexual

82% of our audience indicate that their image of a corporate partner increases substantially through a business’s affiliation with GMCW. 77% of our audience tells us they are more likely to buy a sponsor’s product or services, accordingly.

Information and advertising contracts for our 2024-2025 Season are now available. If you are interested in advertising with GMCW, in our e-blasts, concert programs, or through other means, please contact Director of Marketing Craig Cipollini at

Upcoming Events


Youth Invasion


Spring Affair


World Pride International Choral Festival


Youth Invasion


Spring Affair


World Pride International Choral Festival